Elite Performance
Fitness Instruction for Health, For Sport, For Life.
Services & Pricing
Whatever your goal might be, combining a personalized exercise program with nutritional guidance is the fast track to a healthier you! I serve Umatilla and Morrow County for in-home personal training, group classes, and company wellness programs.
Sunrise Strength & Endurance
Starting your day with a workout helps you establish routine, lower stress, and even improve mood and sleep. Get that workout in before work, school or starting a day with your family at home. Inquire today! $12 a class, or $75 for a monthly package.
Personal Training
Appointments Available
Are you ready to get back in shape or maintain your current fitness? Are you looking to help your recovery from injury? Designed to improve strength, coordination and well being, personal training sessions are guaranteed to take your fitness to the next level. $70Â for one hour session, $40Â for 30-minute sessions. Includes fitness assessment. Nutritional counseling also available.
Employee Wellness
Contact to Learn More
The research is clear and the results are in. Employee wellness programs improve workforce engagement, focus, and productivity.  Contact me today to learn more about how to integrate fitness programs into your company wellness program.
Sunset Strength & Endurance
To Resume Spring 2020
An evening workout can help you wind down from a stressful day, sleep better and maintain a healthy weight. Join us for Sunset Strength and Endurance session. $12 a class or $75 for a unlimited monthly package.
Online Training
Appointments Available
Prefer the ease of going virtual? I offer online training too! Contact me for more information on special pricing and availability.